BUSINESS SYSTEMS FOR THE NORTHWEST -- Peter A. Lawrence & Associates, Inc., 425-392-1283



Business Systems

Data Base Systems

Web Sites

Systems Support



Linux/Open Source

Project Experience

Company Contacts







The systems described in this section were developed on either a UNIX or LINUX operating system (OS). All of these systems work properly on LINUX. PALDOM is basing all current and new systems on LINUX.

PALDOM Data Base Management.

The Data Base Management system originally written for PC's and MS-DOS was re-written and greatly enhanced to take advantage of the superior capabilities of Linux and UNIX. All the systems described in this section were developed either for Linux or UNIX.

Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner.

Development, design and implementation of an accounting system, work order entry, tracking and reporting system and pick up and delivery scheduling system for a carpet and upholstery cleaning company.

Cold Storage Warehousing.

Development, design and implementation of an accounting and inventory control system for a refrigerated warehousing company with three locations. Payroll timekeeping data was integrated from electric time cloks.

Salmon Broker.

Development, design and implementation of an inventory control and accounting system for a Salmon broker.

Tennis Club Interface with Restaurant POS System.

This system imported daily data from the restaurant POS system into a data base which matched the data with member records. This allowed lookup of all charges by members and printing of several reports.

Property Management System.

Developed a property management system for managing tenant records, performing all accounting functions (A/R, A/P, G/L/ & P/R). Reports also forecast rent income, lease renewal dates, insurance coverage, and parking space allocations. Automatic billing si based on tenant and lease records.

Marina Management System.

Developed a system to manage boat owner records, boat location assignment. moorage rates and added charges, such as for fuel. The accounting system was “cash based” . Special reports analyzed boaters by boat characteristics, forecast revenues based on current rates or on new rates and summarized the reasons why boaters left the marina.

Ski Area Accounting and Payroll.

Development, design, and implementation of a payroll, labor cost accounting, and revenue accounting system for 4 major Northwest Ski Areas and their related ski area operations and restaurant businesses.

Ski School Management.

Software development and implementation of a ski school management system for a major Northwest ski area operator.

Lumber Broker Accounting.

Design, development and implementation of software supporting a lumber broker's accounting requirements.

Time Clock Interface.

Development of software which interfaces Stromberg's ACETS electronic time clock with LINUX computers to speed payroll data processing.

Cold Storage Payroll.

Integration of the PALDOM Payroll system with variable pay rates by department, shift, seniority and union affiliation with the KRONOS time clock system to produce all payroll functions, union reports, and department labor cost reports for a refrigerated warehousing company with three locations.

Salmon Broker.

Implementation of accounting and inventory control software for a salmon broker. This system was converted from MS-DOS the UNIX OS to obtain multi-user capabilities greater functionality.



The systems in this section were all developed using the MS-DOS version of PALDOM's Data Base Management system. Many are now running on LINUX. Conversion of those not now running on LINUX requires very little effort.

Data Base Management.

Design, development and implementation of the Data Base Management System upon which the MS-DOS business applications are based.

Public Accountant.

Development, design and implementation of a client write-up accounting package for a public accountant.

Time Clock Interface.

Development of software which interfaces Stromberg's EPR electronic time clock with an IBM Personal Computer and compatible computers to speed payroll data processing.

Tennis Club Payroll and Personnel.

Integration of the PALDOM Payroll system with Personnel records software developed and with the KRONOS time clock system to produce all payroll functions and personnel reports for a major tennis club.

Employee Productivity.

Implementation of an employee productivity measurement and reporting system for a major department store's distribution warehouse. The system records and reports productivity compared to standards for employees, locations and work tasks by month.

Returned Merchandise Inventory.

Implementation of a returned goods inventory system for a major department store's distribution warehouse.

Building Materials Distributor.

Implementation of accounting and inventory control software for a building materials supplier and insulation manufacturer and distributor.

Security System Vendor.

Installation of an Accounts Receivable and Payroll systems for a vendor of security alarm systems.



Although these systems were developed for older Operating Systems, they are shown here to indicate the range of systems developed by PALDOM. Many were developed using data base management systems. Because of the experience gained in developing these systems, converting them to the LINUX OS would be much faster, than starting from no prior experience.

Meat Distributor.

Implementation of accounting, order entry and inventory control software for a supplier of meat to restaurants. This involved conversion of data and systems from a service bureau to an in-house computer.

Property Developer.

Implementation of a construction project cost accounting, payroll system and property management system for a real estate and property developer.

Educational Materials Distributor.

Implementation of an order entry and accounting system for a distributor of educational materials.

Athletic Club.

Accounting and payroll software designed specifically for a commercial athletic club. The general ledger system includes a fixed asset management valuation and depreciation module.

Direct Mail Marketing.

Implementation of a Direct Mail marketing system supporting high quality letter printing with data merged from a data base, with output to multiple letter quality printers simultaneously.

Airline Frequent Flier Program.

Design, development, and implementation of all software supporting the frequent flier promotional program of a major Northwest airline.

Campaign Contribution System.

Design, development and implementation of a campaign contribution accounting and budgeting system supporting all required Washington State and Federal reporting requirements.

Project Budgeting.

Implementation of a project budgeting system for large projects with expense posting and reporting against actual costs.

Ski Production Planning.

Development and implementation of a production planning and scheduling system for a major ski manufacturer in the Northwest.

Telephone Call Analysis.

Software to analyze the costs of telephone calls made within a company based on monthly tapes received from the phone company.

Electronic Parts Distributor.

Development of accounting and inventory control system for an electronic component distributor.


Port Planning Simulation.

Development of a Port Planning Simulation Model of port operations, costs and revenues. This was used in several long range planning studies at major ports.

Statistical Analysis.

Statistical analysis of probability distributions used in simulation models. This software was specifically designed to aid in simulations.

Brazilian Salt Terminal Simulation.

Implemented a simulation of a Brazilian off-shore bulk salt loading terminal and the movement of river barges and ocean going vessels serving the terminal.

International Consultant Accounting.

General Ledger and Financial Statement system used by an international consulting firm.

Production Scheduling.

Job Shop scheduling algorithm development and testing.

Computer Center Production Scheduling.

Computer Production scheduling program used in a computer center to schedule work on its three computers.


Highway Closed Circuit Television Control.

Software combining color graphics, a touch screen, and interfacing of a computer with the closed circuit television system which monitors traffic around the Seattle area. The system controls the display of various cameras to several TV monitors in a control room and allows the operator to control the pan, tilt, zoom, and focus functions of any camera on the system by touching the appropriate control areas on the graphic display and the touch screen.

Network Alarm Monitoring

This Windows based system was developed for the major TV and Broadband cable company in the Seattle area. This system monitored an electric signal from the network system. If the signal indicated that a network failure had occurred, then an alarm was sounded and displayed on a computer in the office area. This repeated in intensity until the problem was solved.

Inventory Analysis.

Inventory analysis software to evaluate the economics of purchasing merchandise through the central distribution warehouse or through individual stores of a chain of hardware stores.

Automatic Truck Weighing.

Software to interface a computer with truck scales. This system printed individual trip tickets and summarized data for billing purposes.

Automated Collator Sequencing.

Software which interfaced two different computers with a collator. The computer allowed collating sequences to be established and stored, it then operated the collator based on the sequence established.