BUSINESS SYSTEMS FOR THE NORTHWEST -- Peter A. Lawrence & Associates, Inc., 425-392-1283



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LINUX Features

Open Office Features




Select Features

  • Linux is multi-tasking, which means it allows more than one program task to be running at any point in time.

  • It is multi-user, which allows more than one terminal or workstation to be accessing the computer at any point in time.

  • Linux systems can be used for network servers, email servers, web servers, workstations, notebooks and dedicated device applications.

  • System Administration tasks are made easy by menus which help in setting up new users and in changing the system's configuration, such as in adding a printer.

  • Several powerful graphical user interfaces are available for each user.

  • Data backup procedures help speed the copying of data from the hard disk to backup tape, hard disk, off-site computers and storage, and USB flash drives.. This provides extra copies of data in case of a disk failure.

  • Command files may be set up to process a series of repetitive Linux commands based on an operator's entry of only a single command.

  • Background tasking allows programs to be run without operator intervention from a terminal, while at the same time supporting operator terminal activity.

  • Scheduling allows Linux to start background tasks at specific times on predetermined schedules, without operator intervention.

  • Linux supports networking with other Linux computers and, with of some additional software, supports networking with nearly every other type of computer available.

  • Modem support for remote access over a phone line is supported by Linux.

  • Linux runs all the major programming languages, including: C, COBOL, FORTRAN, and BASIC.

  • Data locking is available to insure that when several users attempt to update the same data, that they do not interfere with each other.

  • Linux supports many different types of terminals, workstations and printers depending on the user's needs.

Linux Information

www.osdl.orgThe Open Source Development Labs directs the development of Linux. – The Free Standards Group maintains the Linux Base Standards and standards for other Linux packages. – The Fedora Project is sponsored by Red Hat Linux and supported by the open source community.

Important Packages

  • Apache Web Server. This popular package is used by a large number of web servers in the world.

  • Email Server.

  • Thunderbird Email client.

  • Firefox Web Browser.

  • SAMBA, which allows sharing printers and disk space between Windows and LINUX systems.

  • XDMCP, X window Display Management Control Protocol, which allows LINUX workstations to access XDMCP servers as if they were the system console. Workstation users have complete graphical desktop capabilities.

  • Print server capabilities allow printing to directly and remotely connected printers. For example, a printer attached to a remotely networked LINUX workstation can be used by any workstation on the associated network.

  • FTP, File Transfer Protocol, allows transfers of files to and from password permitted workstations and servers on the internet and on LAN's and WAN's.