BUSINESS SYSTEMS FOR THE NORTHWEST -- Peter A. Lawrence & Associates, Inc., 425-392-1283



Business Systems

Data Base Systems

Web Sites

Systems Support



Linux/Open Source

Project Experience

Company Contacts



Support Activities

Support Plan

Support Fees

Support Agreement





The support plan objective is to continually improve the operation, management, efficiency, security and functionality of the customer's computer information systems.


The support plan provides for regularly scheduled and on-demand system support services by PALDOM. These services are normally provided by a full-time Management Information Systems Department in large companies. They are provided under this plan for companies whose size and operations do not require a full-time professional in-house data processing staff.

Support services agreements will be for a one year term, with payments made quarterly or monthly.


  • Regular on-site visits will provide feedback from operators and system managers about the systems' status, problems and areas for enhancement. This will result in more rapid detection and solution of problems

  • During on site visits, it may be determined that some enhancements are needed to deal with changing business practices or services. This will result in more timely incorporation of enhancements to improve operational efficiency.

  • Phone support for questions and minor problem solving will be available to designated systems administrators to speed problem resolution.

  • Data base management system upgrades will be provided to insure that the most current versions are in use.

  • Time and materials hourly rates will be reduced which can result in substantial savings each year.

  • Emergency systems support will be provided for either software or hardware assistance at no cost within the limits outlined below.

Time & Materials Rate Reductions.

PALDOM's Time & Materials rates are reduced by $5.00 per hour for customers who purchase these support services. Rates are determined by the cumulative number of hours of paid services in each year. The hours of service provided under this support plan and its specific extensions at $90.00 per hour, do not add to the accumulation of service hours for determination of the normal hourly rates for software development and other systems support services.

Support Agreement Cost

The annual cost of the Systems Support Plan is $ 5,200. This is payable monthly or quarterly.

On-site Visits.

Regular on-site visits will be scheduled according to the following plan:

  • Scheduled Monthly visits of 4 hours each.

  • At the customer's option, the visits may be extended up to an additional 4 hours of services at the rate of $90.00 per hour.

  • At least one visit each year will be devoted to file maintenance activities to keep the data bases operating efficiently and to properly archive historical data.

The first visit of each year will be used to plan the support functions to be performed at subsequent visits. The functions will be selected from those described in Systems Administration and Support Services Available from Peter A. Lawrence and Associates, Inc. and will be tailored to the customer's specific needs.

Phone & Remote Support.

  • Phone support of up to one hour per month will be provided when requested by the customer.

  • Requests for phone assistance must be made by the customer's assigned systems administrator or representative.

  • Additional phone support of up to 1 more hour will be provided at $90.00 per hour each month, at the request of the customer.

  • Remote access via VPN (Virtual Private Network) over the internet may be setup for the customer. Setup costs will be at PALDOM's normal billing rate.

  • PALDOM has the discretion to determine when the difficulty of a problem requires an on-site visit.

Data Base Management Software Upgrades.

Two upgrades each year will be installed with installation time limited to two hours for each installation. If additional installation time is required, it will be charged at the rate of $90.00 per hour for up to 6 hours maximum. Installation time required beyond 6 additional hours will be charged according to PALDOM's current rates at that time.

Upgrades add new features to the software and improve its operation by correcting known problems and improving existing features.

Emergency Support.

Emergency support services will be provided for any systems related problem as follows:

  • The total annual hours of emergency services is a maximum of 8 hours.

  • Two on-site trips per year are covered under this plan.

  • Additional trips within the 8 hours provided will be charged at $95.00 each.