BUSINESS SYSTEMS FOR THE NORTHWEST -- Peter A. Lawrence & Associates, Inc., 425-392-1283



Business Systems

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Linux/Open Source

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Domain Name Registration







Email Accounts Tied to Web Site

Email accounts may be setup only after your web site has been setup. The web site does not have to be complete, but a minimal setup is required.

Email Account Names

Email names may be setup as combinations of letters and numbers. Each name must be unique within the web hosting environment provided by PALDOM. So, if another user has the name jsmith for example and you have a jsmith also, then your jsmith's account would become jsmith1.

Email Passwords

Each email account must have a password containing at least 6 characters. Of the six, at least one character must be a numeric digit.

For security passwords should be changed frequently to protect the email accounts from unauthorized access.

Email Management

The following are some of the important email management functions that should be performed regularly:

  • Email for each account should be archived on the owner's host computer and deleted from the web server.

  • Email should be backed up regularly to media that is taken off site.

  • Each owner should establish a policy for email usage by their employees. It at least should be made clear whether personal emails are permitted and who owns all of the emails.

Email Forwarding

In some cases, employees may want to receive their email through another email service, such as or In these cases, the email can be setup to automatically forward to the correct location.

Email Clients

Email clients are sometimes called email readers. These are the software applications that allow a user to send and receive email.

PALDOM has tested the email system with the following clients specifically. However, others should work without any problems.

  • Microsoft Outlook Express

  • Ximian's (Novel's) Evolution

  • Mozilla's Thunderbird

Email Client Setup

Each computer used to send or receive emails must be setup with an email client. That setup must include specification of each of the accounts which can access email.

The following information is usually required for setup:

  • Account Name (same as the user name) such as: jsmith1

  • Password

  • Full name of user, or account

  • email address, such as: jsmith

  • return email address, same as email address

  • Incoming Server, POP or POP3 and port 110

  • Outgoing Server, SMTP and port 25

  • Server address (this will be supplied separately for security reasons)

Call 425-392-1283 or email if you require assistance in setting up email clients.